How Many Cups?!

For my last blog post, I wanted to talk about the amount of coffee I drink a day. Now, many of you may say that the amount of coffee I drink per day may be unhealthy. However, it’s what really keeps me going throughout the day. I myself know how unhealthy this can be; nevertheless, I drink it anyway. 

Image: Three Cups of Coffee
In the mornings, I usually get a Venti Vanilla Iced Coffee from Starbucks (as many of you guys already know by now). After I finish this drink, I go onto my second cup of coffee usually sometime mid-day. I either get coffee from West Dining Halls or Redifer’s Off the Ground. Both of these iced coffees are not as large as Starbuck’s Ventis. Instead, they are a much smaller portion, more like a Grande size from Starbucks. For those of you who do not go to Starbucks, a Grande is equivalent to a medium sized cup. After this, I tend to take a bit of a break from my coffee intake. It isn’t until much later (usually after dinner) when I dive in for my third cup of coffee for the day. 

Image: Coffee and Teeth Stain
In all honesty, I do not think I have ever had more than three cups of coffee a day. I think I would die. Now I am not promoting to drink this many coffees a day because this is definitely something I have to fix. I personally think that drinking this many cups of coffee is extremely bad for my health and for my teeth (I don't even want to think about that aspect... it just makes me sad). I mean, what am I going to do in the summer? I won’t be able to have as easy of an access to my coffee! In addition, at the rate I drink coffee now, I will become extremely broke during the summer. The only reason why I can afford all these coffees is due to my meal points! If I didn’t have these meal points, I would sadly have to say my goodbyes to all the coffee I consume every day. 

Now because we are already talking about the money and price aspects of coffee, I found out the other day that there was this interesting concept known as the Latte Factor Calculator. Basically, the Latte Factor Calculator allows individuals to calculate how much money they spend on small expenditures, such as daily coffees or lattes, and use this to then try and save up the money they spend on coffees every day. The basic premise of the Latte Factor Calculator is to stop purchasing your daily coffee for an extended period of time so that you could save up a surprisingly large amount of money at the end of your adventure. 

Image: The Latte Factor Calculator Logo
I personally do not think I could ever carry out the Latte Factor Calculator. Although I know that the amount of money I spend on coffee every day is quite extreme (even with my meal points), I do not think I could ever go on with my day without at least one cup of coffee. It has now become something that I cannot live without. Maybe there will be a day where I all of the sudden become tired of coffee. Maybe then I will be able to contribute to the Latte Factor Calculator. 

Image: Sit Back and Relax Quote
After all, you guys remember what happened during my coffee withdrawal episodes during Spring break, right? Never again. Although, weening off coffee to a normal amount of one cup a day is something I do wish to work on. 

I guess I just found my 2019 New Year’s Resolution. But until then, I think I’m going to sit back, relax, and enjoy my access to coffee (until I run out of money, of course). 
