The Mystery Box

Image: Good Morning Coffee (Something I'm Not Often Greeted with)

My last coffee experience was one to remember, let me tell you. With today’s hustle and bustle worldwide, it seems like nobody has time for much anymore, especially when it comes to food. Ask yourself too, when was the last time you made yourself a meal? Everyone will have a different answer - some may cook themselves a meal everyday, but others may not. Now think about this. When was the last time you made yourself a cup of coffee? If your answer was “this morning” then stop reading this blog, because obviously your life is going much better than the rest of ours. On a serious note, most of us don’t have the time or the energy to wake up early and brew ourselves a cup of the good stuff (coffee, if you didn’t get that reference).

This past week was different though, I got a look into the other side, and I am more than excited to share this with all of you. It was Friday, February 23rd, around 4 in the afternoon. My friends Ava and Caitlin were hosting their deliberation for their CAS class. A group of friends and I were all heading over to partake, of course. As we walk into the room, I spot a table in the back, adorned with Dunkin Donuts products. Of course the endorphins in me were rushing, I was like a jungle cat who just spotted their prey, eyes wide ready to pounce. However, I remained calm and mustered up the strength to walk past the table. I did not want to seem rude by grabbing the food as soon as I saw it, so I went and took a seat (after all, my friends and I even showed up a little late).

A little while later, there was a slight 30 second break, so I took my opportunity.

I got up and walked over to the table, I grabbed a cup and filled it to the brim with various Munchkins, but then, I saw something peculiar. There was something sitting on the table labeled a Box O’ Joe. I realized I was taking up too much time and needed to return to my seat before I started getting judged, so I took one more look at the box.

I sat there for the remainder of the event, and the thought of this box kept lingering in the back of my head. Eventually, the event concluded (it went very well), so I went back to the table and took another look at the box. I finally realized that it was a box of black coffee! At first I was like “ew who in their right mind drinks this nonsense?”, but I noticed there was creamer and sugar next to the box - that’s when everything changed. It clicked. This was a gosh darn coffee making station.

I made quick work of this box and started to assemble my beverage. I poured the black coffee into the cup, obviously not all the way as there needs to be room for the sweets to mix in. In all honesty, I didn’t exactly know what I was doing, but I’ve seen a barista make my order a million times. I tossed in a couple creamers and sprinkled in some sugar, until the coffee looked somewhat similar to the coffee I am used to drinking (a light tan color, in case you were wondering). I concluded my mixing and took the first sip and… to my dismay, it tasted horrible. I guess getting my black coffee just sweet enough is a hard task to accomplish.

Image: My Reaction to the Black Coffee
Never again will I make my own coffee, for the pressure to make it just how I want it to taste like is far too burdensome. Despite my failed attempt at making the coffee, when the professor suggested that I should take the leftover coffee, I did. Without hesitation. I mean, who would say no to a box of free coffee?
So, moral of the story: I can’t wait to see all of the regulars at Starbucks tomorrow!


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