Do You Want to Know a Secret?

For this week’s blog, I’m going to tell you guys a little secret. Now for those of you who are coffee lovers, you may already know about this secret. But for those of you who are looking to start drinking coffee, this small tip may become extremely useful to you and your endeavors.

Image: Staircase in Book Store
So a couple days ago, I was wondering around the bookstore in the HUB. I needed a new phone wallet (those pockets you stick on the back of your phone for your cards and ID) because my old one broke. While I was searching for a new phone wallet, I saw a huge staircase that led to an upstairs floor of the bookstore. Now I know it’s a little late in the year, but I never realized that there was an upstairs floor to the bookstore! Or maybe I did know, but had just forgotten. But anyway, after discovering the staircase, I became curious as to what was upstairs.

Due to my inquisitiveness, after purchasing my new phone wallet (which I love and highly recommend by the way), I decided to climb the stairs to see what was on the upper level of the store. When I reached upstairs, I saw that there were a ton of books and study spots. And to much of my surprise there was a Starbucks! I was so surprised to find that there was another Starbucks on the upper floor of the HUB bookstore. This was when I realized that this upper level was our own Barnes & Nobles – how convenient! 

Image: Barnes & Nobles in the Book Store
Now within this Barnes & Nobles, I also found that there was also a mini Starbucks! However, because I already had my morning Venti Vanilla Iced Coffee from the Starbucks in the main portion of the HUB, I passed on the Starbucks I found in our Barnes & Nobles. I returned to the staircase and exited the bookstore. 

As I was leaving the HUB, I wondered why Penn State would build two Starbucks in the same building. There was one downstairs, in the main compartment of the HUB, and one upstairs in the Barnes & Nobles. I was kind of confused as to what the strategic value was of this, but I didn’t think too much of it. 

The following day, I was craving my morning coffee, so I made a trip to the HUB’s main Starbucks. To my dismay, there was a huge line! The line was unbelievably long… I was actually quite surprised. I knew that the line for Starbucks can get a little long in the HUB, but whenever I went, the lines were always short. I guess I had good timing beforehand. 

Image: No Line at B&N Starbucks!
Not wanting to wait in an extremely long line and already in a rush, I remembered that I had discovered the Starbucks in the HUB’s Barnes & Nobles. I quickly turned around and walked to the bookstore. When I arrived, there was absolutely no line at this Starbucks! I was so happy. I was able to quickly get my coffee and leave to go to my next class.

This is when I realized why PSU placed two Starbucks in the HUB. Because the line for the main Starbuck’s gets extremely long at times, people could go to the one in the Barnes & Nobles to make the process a lot quicker! Now I don’t know about you, but I personally think that this was extremely strategic and a really smart move. If it weren’t for the Starbucks in the HUB's B&N, I would have been late to my next class!

The only downside about the Starbucks in the Barnes & Nobles was that its menu was a pretty condensed version of Starbucks’ menu downstairs. The upstairs Starbucks cannot make as many drinks as the main Starbucks. But, as long as you stick to the basics of Starbucks, like its coffee, you will be sure to find it in the Starbucks in the Barnes & Nobles. 

Now this is it - that is my little secret. This Starbucks takes a lot less time (due to the lack of line) and the coffee tastes just as good! You’ll be sure to thank me later (:


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